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What to know about the latest COVID-19 variant

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

As scientists and public health experts work to better understand what impact these new variants will have on the course of the pandemic.

The variant now causing concern around the world is the "DELTA" variant. The main reason for the concern is to be up to 60% more transmissible than the original strain of COVID-19.

In the CDC USA recently classified the DELTA variant as a "Variant of Concern" due to an ongoing increase of cases.

All viruses are made up of a bundle of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) that's covered by a protective coating of proteins. Once virus gets into your body - usually through your mouth or nose - it latches onto one of your cells. The virus's DNA or RNA then enters your cell, where it can make copies of itself that go off and infect other cells.

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